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Dec. 25, 2023

Eggnog and the Coquito Conspiracy - with Lydia Neeley

Eggnog and the Coquito Conspiracy - with Lydia Neeley

We are once again joined by Lydia Neeley for this festive episode! We take a look at the quintessential Christmas drink that is eggnog, and ask how it became so connected to the holidays, where did it come from, and what exactly is eggnog in the first place? We also take a look at some eggnog from around the world, and some of its distant cousins. Happy holidays, and we hope you enjoy!

Cocktails Discussed:


1 egg

2 tablespoons honey

8 oz. Hakutsuru Junmai Sake

Heat the sake in a small pan over low heat, without boiling. Mix the honey with a small amount of warm water, and whisk into the egg in a small bowl. Whisk a small amount of the hot sake into the egg mixture, constantly whisking so that the egg does not cook. Add the rest of the sake slowly, whisking constantly. Pour into a heatproof mug, and serve.


300 ml. Verpooten Advocaat

350 ml. Mueller Piesporter Michelsburg Spatlese

100 mL fresh squeezed orange juice

60 mL Appleton 12 Year Jamaican Rum

1 tablespoon sugar

10 mL vanilla extract

Mix the chilled white wine and Advocaat together in a small saucepan, making sure that they are around the same temperature. Add the orange juice, vanilla extract, and sugar, and slowly heat, stirring often. Remove from heat as soon as the mixture is steaming, before it boils. Mix in the rum, and portion out into heatproof mugs or glasses.